Tuesday 26 August 2014

keep meaning to write more lighthearted things like the time i wore a pair of tight farrrrr-upper ankle revealing trousers to work and hadn't shaved my legs in months and usually i don't give a shit about that but this day it threw me into a state of anxious nausea (lack of sleep, or abundance of caffeine) and i ended up spending £5 on some hair removal wax strips and plastering them to my legs in a public toilet and instead of removing the hair cleanly they left a gummy hunk of wax on my shins that coated the hair but! but! i could pull the ankles of the trousers down and attach them to the wax that remained on my legs and somehow this method kept my hairy legs from being revealed all day, and when i told my friend about this in a bar afterwards we laughed until i felt sick but now it just makes me feel unbearably sad, the tiny pathetic shit we think will heal us, bc i am a melancholy wreck forever and always

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